Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 8, 2020

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One thing that gives me a Top Love Boy Mom My Boys Shirt lot of hope is learning about the Russian revolution/ Some of the French Revolutions. If they could educate the masses back then, before the internet or the Television, then surely we can accomplish the same goals they sought. We just have to have the determination to stand up and fight back. I believe a good message that most can get on board with is actually quite simple. Shorter hours, better pay. That’s not really a partisan issue. Most of the working class should be able to get on board with such a simple message. the problem with those parallels is the massive food shortages that led to those revolutions. the majority of people were starving in the lead up to the Russian Revolution. it literally took all the moms dragging everyone out of their homes and into the streets to turn the Cossacks friendly. this will get a lot worse before it gets any better

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